Monthly Archives: February 2009

The 30 Most Popular Atheist Blogs

Well I am quite astounded, checked Friendly Atheist’s blog today and find he has done a Top 30 Atheist Blogs list, and that my blog made the list!

I ranked 30, and think I’ve only just scraped in by the skin of my teeth, but it is nice to see that you, my readers, like this site enough that various ranking pages reckon it’s quite popular.

I was also happy to see some of my favourite blogs were also in the list. However, unlike Daniel Florien’s Top 30 Atheist/Agnostic/Skeptic Blogs which is a list of blogs he prefers, Hemant’s list is based on ranking popularity and is therefore somewhat less subjective, but, as he says:

Disclaimer: Ranking popularity is a way to measure quantity over quality.

I guess now the pressure is on to improve my quality, whilst maintaining a reasonable level of quantity.

So I guess I should list my top 30 blogs, these are taken from my RSS feed which gets checked pretty well every day, listed in alphabetical order.

[Note: Billy is a bit of a cheat when it comes to alphabetising 🙂  ]

  1. (((Billy))) The Atheist
  2. A Division by Zer0
  3. An Apostate’s Chapel
  5. Atheist Homeschooler
  6. Atheist Revolution
  7. Black Sun Journal
  8. Collected Afilliation with Sentient Entities
  9. Five Public Opinions
  10. Friendly Atheist by Hemant Mehta
  11. Green-Eyed Momster
  12. Greta Christina’s Blog
  13. GrodsCorp
  14. Homologous Legs
  15. i get pissed
  16. Matt’s Notepad
  17. memeplex
  18. mgk: Machine Gun Keyboard
  19. nullifidian
  20. Pharyngula
  21. Poodles Place
  22. Possummomma note: since her personal problems her posts have been quite sporadic
  23. Sean the Blogonaut
  24. The Atheist Blogger
  25. The Frame Problem
  26. The Sisyphus Fragment
  27. The Summer Squirrel
  28. The Thinkers’ Podium
  30. You Made Me Say It…

Some of these, and the ones I didn’t list, don’t blog very often (which maybe a good thing) and some don’t always blog about atheism, but I still like to read them and keep up-to-date with their blogs. Additionally my RSS feed is fairly new after the hard drive crash recently, so I’m still on the lookout for good atheist blogs. Feel free to recommend some in the comments.

Finally I’d like to say a big thankyou to all the people who visit my blog and espscially those that leave comments and hold great discusssions. If you haven’t in the past please leave a comment now and again even, if it’s just a few simple words of encouragement, or disagreement. Always nice to meet new readers.

After reading about Friendly Atheist’s list, I got very busy at work and have only finally got time to writing this blog reply. However I was able to scan several tweets and was aboslutley amazed to read about the fuckwit fundie that has blamed the tragic bushfires in Victoria on the passing of abortion laws. If you haven’t already heard about this please, sit down, relax,  take a deep breath, don’t have anything nearby that might get damaged, then read Pastor Danny Nalliah’s screed. I will blog more on this, as lots of other bloggers are.


Filed under atheism

How do you solve a problem like Maria?

or in this case, how do you solve a problem like a popular Catholic priest who allows women to preach and blesses homosexual couples?

Why, you excommunicate him of course.

When the Catholic church is losing parishioners, and a Catholic priest realises that women and homosexuals deserves as much rights and recognition as everyone else; what does one of it’s Bishops do? Why sack the ‘rebel’ priest of course.

Truly, these people have no idea whatsoever.

I wonder how many people caught the Rodgers and Hammerstein inference?

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Filed under atheism, atheist, god, religion

looking for a new word

Les suggests we find a new word to clearly identify and denigrate all the religious slimeballs such as the Comforts, AIG’s, Farwells and Robertsons.

Here is what Les had to say (please ignore the dig at the current state of cricket in Australia) :

I am writing from South Africa – where the cricketers come from. This email is not in response to any particular issue but a general point that you may wish to invite comment upon.

The more I read atheist blogs, xian and muslim hate mail, fundie statements on fstdt or the idiocy of attempts to promote creationism over science the more certain I have become that many of the loudest and stupidest statements are made not by credulous victims of religion but by some very smart operators who not only exploit religion for financial gain but who themselves do not believe any of [the] crap they sprout. To my knowledge we do not have a short descriptive term to identify the Roy Comforts, AIG’s, Farwells and Robertsons. Words like poe and xian (xtian) have wide currency and understanding. I suggest that we need an additional term in the atheist armoury to clearly identify and denigrate these slimeballs – a term which even the religious will come to recognise.

Here are some initial suggestions.


I am sure your contributors can do better.

Well contributors, can you?

I’d also like to see a list of people/organisations that deserve this new moniker.

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Filed under atheism, atheist, dictionary, word

Eviscerating a fundie

I have been getting a few new readers lately, posting their first comments which, as I’ve pointed out before, have to be moderated. As I recently blogged about, not all of these are very informative, on topic or lucid. Some just resort to insults, which for a first time visit is a little rude. Would you just walk up to some one you’ve never met and say “you are a fool”? Well Wolfsbane seems to think that is an OK introduction, as the following comment from him shows. (shown in it’s entirety, then broken down so I can address each part)

You people are fools ! Every single one of you ! You will all miss the snow in the UK, hell is a pretty hot place. Reason why you are fools: There is but no evidence, other than a dude who makes money from his opinion paid by people who believe in the same opinion, that God does not exist. You may argue, but their is little evidence to support that he does. Whether he does or not, why make a scene about it. Why do you people need to believe that he doesn’t. Will it make you feel better when looking at child pornography? Will it make you feel better when stealing or killing?

You are fools, cause you live like there is no God, but take to chance to find out that there is one, and what then? You’re screwed?

If you have the balls to attack christian faith, why not attack allah or buddha? You most prob scared after they bomb you! Christians won’t, right?

Understand, that you attack christians, because you are scared, and putting your faith in mere person, hoping he might know what he is talking about, just as I, might not know what i am talking about. You are weak, and looking for the easy way out.

I feel sorry for you people. Not willing to have responsibility for your own lives, and living someone else’s. Good for you, I am happy I don’t have sleepless night about fools.

Adios me foolish wanderers !

Well welcome to you to Wolfsbane, next time try and be a little more polite in your opening sentence. I’ll admit I’m a bit foolish sometimes but I think you are drawing a long bow calling all my readers fools. For a start if you are having a go at non-believers (not entirely clear who the “you people” is) then it may pay you to know that I get a few religious people who frequent this blog (some of them very nice people).

You will all miss the snow in the UK, hell is a pretty hot place.

Personally I won’t miss the snow in the UK as, in case you didn’t guess from the blog name, I live in Australia, so I don’t really miss snow anyway (though now you’ve mentioned it, it’s been a while since I last went skiing, may have to think about a holiday to the snow fields this year). I was in Adelaide last week, now that’s a pretty hot place and it’s real and exists, unlike your imaginary hell. Take note: trying to scare atheists with threats of non-existent places is really not much of a threat.

Reason why you are fools: There is but no evidence, other than a dude who makes money from his opinion paid by people who believe in the same opinion, that God does not exist. You may argue, but their is little evidence to support that he does.

Don’t know which ‘dude‘ you are talking about, but there wasn’t one person that made me think there is no evidence for any gods, it was my own intelligence, thinking and reasoning that made me think that way. I’ll admit people like the authors of all the books in my reading list (see sidebar) have been of assistance in my defining myself as an atheist and prompting me to be vocal about it. They have also provided me with clear and precise reasons why there is probably no god, but I don’t slavishly believe in all their opinions.

Whether he does or not, why make a scene about it. Why do you people need to believe that he doesn’t.

Atheists like myself and the countless other bloggers (see my blog roll page) “make a scene about it” because a large proponent of the religious community from all the varying sects/creeds/cults/versions spend way too  much time and money trying to influence the way the rest of the world behaves. There are many good reasons for doing what we do, but I’m not going to cover them again here. Atheists don’t  “need to believe that he doesn’t” we just don’t accept that he does.

Will it make you feel better when looking at child pornography? Will it make you feel better when stealing or killing?

As for the  “feel[ing] better when looking at child pornography” that is just plain insulting to myself and all other atheists, just because we see no evidence for any gods doesn’t automatically make us paedophiles (by the way have you checked how many catholic priests have been charged with paedophilia lately? pot calling kettle!). Same for the stealing and killing insult. Wolfsbane get off your high hobby-horse and appeals to godly moral authority, go have a read of some articles on morality (you can start with my FAQ 1 page) and find that humans developed morality all on their own in order to survive as a species, no requirements from any gods. Additionally if the fear of god is the only thing preventing you from stealing and murdering then I think you should get some professional psychiatric help.

You are fools, cause you live like there is no God, but take to chance to find out that there is one, and what then? You’re screwed?

Drop the Pascal’s Wager it just doens’t work.

If you have the balls to attack christian faith, why not attack allah or buddha? You most prob scared after they bomb you! Christians won’t, right?

If you’d paid any attention Wolfsbane, or bothered to read more than just one or two posts of mine, you’ll find I have “attacked” several different religious faiths in the past, and will again in the future if I consider it necessary. Go ask a few of the people who have been killed by Christians, such as some of the workers in abortion clinics that have been blown up by Christian extremists, if they think Christians won’t bomb them. Oops that’s right they are dead, killed by Christians. EPIC FAIL Wolfsbane.

Understand, that you attack christians, because you are scared,

Scared of what exactly? If anything we should be scared of the christians because we do “attack” them (only verbally mind you), because time and again the religious have demonstrated they don’t like being critiqued, and quite often the religious demonstrate their displeasure in a violent manner.

and putting your faith in mere person, hoping he might know what he is talking about,

WTF are you talking about? If you are trying to infer that atheists put their “faith” in one person then you are so grossly mistaken as to be laughable. Frankly most of the atheists I read do know what they are talking about, they are generally highly educated and have done their research. But there is no one person who is always right. If you are trying to infer I put my “faith” in humankind then you are right, becuase that is all we have. I would like to think humankind has a bright future and that through commonsence and decency we can all grow as a species, though sometimes I despair at what I see humankind doing to itself sometimes.

just as I, might not know what i am talking about. You are weak, and looking for the easy way out.

I strongly doubt you have a clue what you are talking about. Easy way out of what? I think it would be a lot more easy just to say ‘god did it’ and that I don’t need to take any responsibility for my actions because I can always ask god for his forgiveness.

I feel sorry for you people. Not willing to have responsibility for your own lives, and living someone else’s. Good for you, I am happy I don’t have sleepless night about fools.

And I feel sorry for you Wolfsbane, sorry that you are so misguided and deluded. Just mentioned this in previous statement, but as aetheists we don’t accept that there is any “higher supernatural authority” so we have to take responsibility for our own lives. Unlike religious people who can commit any sort of atrocity but as long as they ask for gods forgiveness they think they still get to go to heaven. Yeah lots of responsibility there….not!

Adios me foolish wanderers !

Adious to you Wolfsbane, I have a feeling that, like Jeffrey, you will never return, you are like a random drive by shooting. Pointless, dangerous, nasty and gutless. <sarcasm> Thanks for that final insult </sarcasm>

Like the previous one of these I wrote, Wolfbane’s comment has been left in my moderation queue (and will probably eventually be deleted as spam), I would prefer if Wolfsbane were to return that their next first comment might be a bit more polite, accurate, and to the point.

Oh, and I fixed the spelling mistakes in their comments. Why are so many of these fundies illiterate?

Feel free to continue my critique of Wolfsbanes comments, or just have your own rant about whatever you want, the likes of Wolfsbane, Jeffrey et al seem to think it’s OK to just drop in and rant so why don’t you all join in the fun? Consider comments on this post open to general ranting. 🙂 but don’t make it too personal OK.

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Filed under atheism, atheist, christian, christianity, god, islam, religion

Feckin Hypocrites

Seems the Christians are going to counter the UK atheist bus campaign with their own campaign.

The new campaign is organsied by the Christian Party, the Trinitarian Bible Society and the Russian Orthodox Church. Their pro-God campaigns will run on 175 buses for two weeks from Monday.

Now I have no problem with this, free speech, no censorship and all that, what I do have a problem with is the hypocrisy coming from elements of the religious  community.

Last month the Advertising Standards Authority received almost 150 complaints that the atheist bus campaign was offensive to Christians, and that the “no God” claim could not be substantiated. [emphasis mine]

For a start, the atheist advert actually says “There’s probably no God”, note the word probably. I have been led to understand that probably was specifically added to counter any complaints that it was being asserted that God definitely does not exist. But still some brain dead morons had to complain and try and get the adverts removed because they were making an unsubstantiated claim.

What some religious people also still don’t seem to have gotten through their thick heads, is that the atheist bus campaign was started in response to religious adverts that basically threatened all non-beleivers to hell and damnation. But now three religious groups have decided they need to counter the atheist adverts, as if we started the ‘fight’. Lets hope this isn’t going to spiral out of control in some sort of claim/counter-claim bus advertising smackdown.

So what is the problem I have with the Christian bus advertising claim? Well, these are two of the three adverts planned:

“There definitely is a God. So join the Christian Party and enjoy your life.”


“There IS a God, BELIEVE. Don’t worry and enjoy your life.”

Do you see the problem? I’ll make it clearer by bolding the problematic wording.

“There definitely is a God.”, and “There IS a God” (and the second one was made easy as they capitalised it). Now I don’t know about you, but to me both of those statements are 100% unsubstantiated claims. Both claims have left no room for question (unlike the atheist one which used the word “probably”) they are bold statements that God exists, as a fact. Well I for one have never seen any evidence for God’s existence, have you?

This is where my heading, Feckin Hypocrites, comes from. Members of the religious community accuse the atheist bus campaign of unsubstantiated claims and then make an even bigger more unsubstantiated claim. Hypocrites!

The third Christian advert is going to be:

“The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God”  taken from Psalm 53:1

Well all I can say to that is:

… but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire. taken from Matthew 5:22

Who’s the fool now?

Hat Tip to AtheistBus for the link to the article in the Guardian, from whence the above quotes come from, and to drunkenmadman for finding the Matthew 5:22 bible link.

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Filed under atheism, atheist, Atheist Bus Campaign, god, hypocrisy, religion


Just a couple of funny pictures:



click to embigen


Filed under jesus, Jew

Too tired to wank

MGK has a good rap-up of some of the latest articles on the Internet filtering debacle titled ‘prohibited’ does not equal ‘illegal’, well worth a read.

Of interest is a study MGK found by Todd Kendall, from the Economics Department of Clemson University, who thinks the proverbial “pornography use causes sex crime” accusation is invalid.  Kendall’s research indicates that since the internet came online, and thus freer and greater access to pornography has become readily available, the rate of sex crimes has dropped. There may be other reasons for the drop, as the article states,  but it may also be that, to put it bluntly,  some rapes have been avoided because the perpetrators were too worn out from too much wanking?

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Filed under internet censorship, internet filter, porn

Hi I’m back

Just got back from a short sojourn to Adelaide, nice and hot, over + 43C every day! Big Day Out was great, and nice to meet up with some of my relatives at neices engagement party the following night.

I’ve had lots of visitors to this blog whilst I was away for a few days, just moderated a bunch of new readers, so there’s plenty of new comments to read. Check the new, very long, comment on my FAQ 1 page from results_ if you want something new to read and perhaps reply to. I’ve got a few chores to do now, but hopefully I’ll get a chance to reply to new comments and write a new blog over the next few days.

Till then cheers all, and welcome to my blog to all the new readers

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Filed under Big Day Out