Daily Archives: 15 February 2009

Never put your cashews to the side

Cashew nut snack, roasted and salted

Image via Wikipedia

A story of putting off, what you should do now.

Several years ago a dear old lady I knew absolutely enjoyed cashews, but rarely enjoyed them due to their cost and her lack of money. One evening she was having Chinese chicken and cashews for dinner at a relatives. As she found a cashew she would put it aside on her plate so she could enjoy all the cashews at the end of here meal.

Unfortunately she suffered “a bit of a turn” (a suspected mild heart attack) and had to be rushed to hospital, before she was able to finish her meal.

She never got to enjoy those cashews.

I was just watching “Cranford” (a period drama) and was struck by the plight of one of the main characters. This old lady had knocked back a suitor in her youth, finally after 30 years this suitor had resurfaced and she was ready to take that final step. Unfortunately he died after contracting pneumonia before they could finally get married. “never put your cashews to the side

So what does this have to do with atheism (which is what this blog is supposed to be about)? Well apart from being a good rule to live by, I wonder if perhaps it reflects on how some religious people live their lives?

Are religious people “putting their cashews to the side” – the hope of a blissful eternal life with God in some afterlife – without thoroughly enjoying the here and now? The wonders of this world and the amazing people in it should be cherished for what they are. Your life will end and you may find there are no “cashews” at the end of it. So why not accept what is true and here and now, live your life as if that is it, enjoy your “cashews”, BUT make sure everyone else can enjoy their “cashews” too.


I feel like I have been putting my cashews to one side over the last few years, perhaps it’s time to start eating them.

What about you, what “cashews” have you been putting aside?

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