Daily Archives: 14 January 2008

A Bad Year for God?

Richard Dawkins’ ‘The God Delusion’ is being released in paperback in America this week, to mark the occasion an advert was to be published in The New York Times (NYT) Sunday Book Review section, you can see a copy of the advert here. As the advert says, it seems like it was a bad year for God last year. Atheist books, such as Richard’s, sold well (‘The God Delusion’ was one of the top 20 books sold in Australia last year) and it looks like there are more to come.

Yesterdays NYT had a review of a new book called Irreligion:

A Mathematician Explains Why the Arguments for God Just Don’t Add Up.
By John Allen Paulos.
158 pp. Hill & Wang. $20.

Jim Holt gives it a mixed review, there’s also a link to the first chapter, so you can read some of it and review it yourself.

What with the Archbishop of canterbury telling us the Christmas story was just a legend and the rise of atheist letters being published in local newspapers and online, as I reported earlier; one might get the idea that religion may be starting to wane?

Gerard Baker, at Times Online, posted similar thoughts in his piece ‘2007, a bad year for God squadders’ (which I commented on after it was re-printed in The Australian) his opinon is that:

It was the believers that did most to discredit religion this year, not the atheists.

Tell us what you considered  to be some of the biggest blunders of the religious last year, things that might just put that final nail in the coffin of religion, things that made you laugh at the religious, things that made you cry, …

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Filed under atheism, atheist, book review, god, news

Fortune Cookie of the day

Day 5:

A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.

OH’s cookie was:

Share your happiness with others today.

a repeat

Day 6:

Share your happiness with others today.

repeated again!

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