Daily Archives: 9 November 2008


It finally happened, one of my posts has had 1,000 views. Can anyone guess which one it is?

For the last several days it has been sitting at 998 views and the runner up,  my Carnival of the Godless # 99 post, was slowly catching up. The winner, the first to hit 1,000 views, have you guessed yet, is …




Teenager arrested for ‘blasphemous’ T-shirt

What is it with you lot? Is it that you just like to see the words “Jesus is a Cunt“, or did I actually write something that was interesting?

To the people who commented on that blog that I didn’t say anything about Muhammad

Muhammad is a cunt too

Remember: Blasphemy is a victimless crime.

How odd, ‘cunt’ wasn’t recognised by my spell checker?

Back to normal programming soon, apologies to anyone who doesn’t like the use of the C word.


Filed under atheism, atheist, christianity, jesus, mohammed, Muslim, religion