Category Archives: Rapture

Book review – Blasphemy by Douglas Preston

Just finished reading this great novel – Blasphemy by Douglas Preston. It was, as they say, ‘a real page turner’ and boy, does he stick it to the religious right. Interestingly, Amazon’s suggested book to buy with this one is The 6 Sacred Stones by Matthew Reilly, another fast paced action novel.

From the author’s web site:

The world’s biggest supercollider, locked in an Arizona mountain, was built to reveal the secrets of the very moment of creation: the Big Bang itself.

Will the Torus divulge the mysteries of the creation of the universe? Or will it, as some predict, suck the earth into a mini black hole? Or is the Torus a Satanic attempt, as a powerful televangelist decries, to challenge God Almighty on the very throne of Heaven?

Twelve scientists … are sent … to turn it on, and what they discover must be hidden from the world at all costs. …, a secret that will either destroy the world…or save it.

At over 400 pages this is a fair sized novel but I managed to read it in a few days, the plot rolls along faster and faster until the twist towards then end.

The book pits science against religion, with politics intricately involved. A bit like real life actually. Some of the characters are well written, Douglas has managed to capture the religious zealot very well. There are sections in the book that could have come straight off any of the many fundamentalist Christian web sites or blogs. His portrayal of the TV Evangelist (Spates) is just like many of the real TV Evangelists, only in it for the money, fame and power. They say one thing and then do the other.  Several times in the book the religious person’s ability to justify any indiscretion or atrocity and then either ask for God’s forgiveness or blame it on God’s will is demonstrated. The following examples is from an early section in the book:

Every sermon seemed to generate vilification from the atheist left. It was a sad time when a man of God was attacked for speaking the simple truth. Of course, there’s been that unfortunate incident in the motel with the two prostitutes. … Spates had asked for and received God’s forgiveness.

blasphemy_cover I’d like to discuss this book more, but I don’t want to give too much away. If you like a good action packed intriguing novel Blasphemy might be one to read.

I think Christians should read this as well as us atheists, it might make them think about the machinations of the religious fundamentalists and how dangerous they can be.

There are plenty of favourable reviews for this book around the web, including an interesting interview with the author at ITW.

And remember ‘Blasphemy is a victimless crime’

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Filed under atheism, atheist, book review, books, fundamentalist, Rapture, religion

6,007 Years – and we haven’t learnt anything

I think I may have stumbled upon the most wacko fundamentalist religious site on the net, or an amazingly clever parody. Unfortunately I think it’s the former.

Have a look at this picture, and then read the following text taken from the website:


The Seven Thousand Years of Human History

By my calculations, according to this we are at year 6007. Seven years into the “Rapture”, the “Second Coming” and rise of the “Antichrist”. Hmm, I seem to have missed all them.
Yes, I know this is dated 1918, but read what Tim Morton at Preserved Words has to say:

Greetings Brethren:

Although Clarence Larkin’s The Second Coming of Christ is over 85 years old, the material found in it has been little improved upon in the succeeding years. By the estimation of many Bible believers Larkin was the most insightful and well-equipped Bible student of his day, and even unto this present day. His books are filled with Bible truth and his charts are absolutely phenomenal.

We recently scanned this 71 page book with all its charts and woodcut images to make it freely available to all who seek knowledge of the Lord’s return. As far as we know it is the only version of this valuable work available.

emphasis mine

“his charts are absolutely phenomenal” – Absolutely phenomenally wrong!

I might download their Bible Analyzer software when I get a chance (damn dialup, damn Hel$tra) it could be good for a laugh. It may even provide a useful tool to combat the “that’s not what’s in the bible” brigade, or to find a certain verse.

Heads up to Tiny Frog, who also gives us some background on some of the other ‘Rapture’ maniacs.


Filed under atheism, atheist, beliefs, christianity, creationism, Rapture, religion