Food Porn Meme

Not another meme! I got tagged, by wineymomma, again, this time I’m supposed to answer some questions about food. Whilst I love food, I’m not big on picking out one particular item I prefer. I know which foods I don’t like: cheese, capsicum; but I don’t have too many favourites of foods I do like. Anyway, here is the meme:


1. What food do you consider the best “date” food? In other words, what meal or food item do you think is sexiest to eat in the company of someone you would like to look sexy around?

mmm… this one stumped me for a while, I haven’t been on a date for over 20 years. Whilst the OH and I have been out for some very nice, dare I say romantic, meals together; I’ve never really thought of trying to look sexy whilst eating. I’d probably just end up looking daft.

If I had to pick one it would be, a nice Salmon Fillet (the OH would probably say Duck). 

2. What well-known person would you like to share a meal with?

There are quite a few people I’ve always thought would be good to have dinner with. People who are funny and have interesting lives. Molly Meldrum would be a hoot I reckon, as would Ross Noble, but if I was to pick one it would be Ben Elton.

3. What does your perfect breakfast-in-bed look like? (Food AND the details, please. Candles? Music? Flowers? Hot tub? Dancing girls?

I don’t think I’ve ever done breakfast-in-bed, on my own, with someone, or for someone. It may sound nice to some, but it sounds uncomfortable and messy to me.

My preference is breakfast brought to your room at a really nice hotel, then eating whilst still dressed in their big fluffy bathrobes. The closest I’ve come to this would be breakfast at Thorngrove Manor, in the Adelaide Hills, but we were fully dressed. The Silver Service breakfast, brought to the room was quite decadent.


4. What do you consider the best application of whipped cream to be?

As land fill, can’t stand the stuff.

If I was going to be rude, I’d say spread on a woman’s ample breasts, topped with a few strawberries, then licked off.

5. Oh-God-No, Biff, the yacht is sinking! You are sent to the galley to retrieve the food. What luxury food items do you snatch first? The champagne? The caviar? Smoked Salmon? Truffles? Chocolate? Or something else?

The champagne and smoked salmon of course!

On more sensible survival criteria; the chocolate, it won’t go off so quick and provides energy. I’d also throw in a few tins of baked beans.

The Rules…
“Answer each of the five questions. Tag five bloggers you would like to pass the meme to. Have them link back to you and to this post as the source meme. You and they can take the graphic from here if they like.”

So, now, who do I tag…  If you read this consider yourself tagged.

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Filed under food, meme

5 responses to “Food Porn Meme

  1. Funny guy.

    What is capsicum?

  2. S Keita

    Oz, of course, known for its cuisine.

    (signed) a Pom.

  3. Oh damn it! I read it. This means I must do it. 🙂

  4. Poodles, I look forward to your food meme post

  5. Poodles, I look forward to your food meme post

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