Daily Archives: 9 October 2007

I Like It Both Ways

(with apologies to Supernaut)

I’m currently trying to put a blog together on the way that christians often seem to want to have it both ways. What started me thinking about this was reading several comments on the net from christians, stating something like:

A ‘true’ christian wouldn’t do that….

Often in response to someone pointing out that christians had killed in the name of god.

The christian people doing the killing were claiming they were doing it in accordance with their religious text, but their christian opponents were claiming the text doesn’t authorise that.

They can’t both be right, can they?

Anyway it got me thinking, and I’ve started writing a more in-depth look at this and other aspects of the duality of christian thinking, but it could take me a while. So I thought I’d just write this quick starter and perhaps get a few replies to help me along the way.

So, please send comments, from either side of the debate.

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Filed under atheism, atheist, beliefs, christianity, religion